Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

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       English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work!
Let’s look at the top 4 reasons why studying English is so important:
1. English is the Language of International Communication
       English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language of 53 countries and spoken by around 400 million people across the globe. Being able to speak English is not just about being able to communicate with native English speakers, it is the most common second language in the world. If you want to speak to someone from another country then the chances are that you will both be speaking English to do this.
       The British Council projects that by 2020 two billion people in the world will be studying English. Learning English is important as it enables you to communicate easily with your fellow global citizens. When you study English at ELC schools, you will be making friends with people from lots of different countries, using English as your common language!

2. English is the Language of Business
   English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce. Research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English and many international companies expect employees to be fluent in English.
  Global companies such as Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor, and Microsoft in Beijing, have mandated English as their official corporate language. In addition, in 2010 the company Rakuten, a Japanese cross between Amazon and E-bay, made it mandatory for their 7,100 Japanese employees to be able to speak English.
   The importance of learning English in the international marketplace cannot be understated - learning English really can change your life.

3. Speaking English gives you Access to a World of Entertainment

        Many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore, by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
       If you speak English, you won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films and TV shows. Watching movies and television programmes in the English language is also a great and fun way to learn it!

4. Learning English gives you Access to more of the Internet

         According to a report by Education First, English is the language of the internet. An estimated 565 million people use the internet every day, and an estimated 52 percent of the world’s most visited websites are displayed in the English language.
      Learning English is important as it gives you access to over half the content on the internet. Knowing how to read English will allow you access to billions of pages of information which may not be otherwise available!
English E-BOOK


You can download this book freely. I hope they will be useful and help to develop your language skill.

Book Title
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
 Ronald Wardhaugh
Basic English Grammar
Erwin Hari Kurniawan
Download Here
Practical English Language Teaching
David Nunan


Practical English Language Teaching is designed for the practicing teacher who may or may not have had formal training in teaching English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). Methodology texts currently available make too many assumptions about the background knowledge o f their readership. The authors of the chapters in this book keep such assumptions to a minimum. This is not to say that the concepts underlying the chapters are dealt with in a trivial manner. Rather they are given an accessible treatment which is richly supported by teaching materials and ideas, and illustrative extracts from a wide range of classrooms.

Title     : Practical English Language Teaching
Author : David Nunan
Link     : Download Here


Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat kejadian. Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari tenses karena semua kalimat pasti ada hubungannya dengan waktu dan sifat kejadiannya. Waktu Present Past Future dan Sifat Kejadiannya.

Title     : Basic  English Grammar

Author : Erwin Hari Kurniawan
Link     : Download Here


A term sociolinguistics is a derivational word. Two words that form it are sociology and linguistics. Sociology refers to a science of society; and linguistics refers to a science of language. A study of language from the perspective of society may be thought as linguistics plus sociology. Some investigators have found it to introduce a distinction between sociolinguistics and sociology of language. Some others regard sociolinguistics is often referred as the sociology of language.

Title     : An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Author : Ronald Wardhaugh
Link     : Download Here


Pronunciation (noun): the way in which we pronounce a word
{ronounce (verb): to make the sound of a word
English is not Phonetic
Always remember that English is not "phonetic". That means that we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it.
Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation, for example:
·                     I like to read [ri:d].
·                     I have read [red] that book.
Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation, for example:
·                     I have read [red] that book.
·                     My favourite colour is red [red].

Koleksi Vocabulary (Kosakata) - Bahasa Inggris

Vocabulary (Kosakata) - Bahasa Inggris adalah kumpulan tulisan mengenai vocabulary, baik berisi kumpulan vocab bahasa Inggris - Indonesia ataupun berkenaan dengan teori dan tips mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris. Semoga tulisan mengenai kosakata bahasa Inggris ini bertambah banyak sehingga bisa memberikan manfaat untuk semua pelajar, mahasiswa, ataupun semua orang yang tertarik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Oke, langsung saja ini dia tulisan tentang vocabulary / kosakata bahasa Inggris yang sudah diterbitkan di blog ini :


A. Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the basic that must be learnt first by learners. It will help the learner in learning English language well. As Harmand and Stork (1976:250) stated that vocabulary is a stock of words which are at the disposal of speaker or writer. As in Brainy Media.com that vocabulary is a list or collection of words arranged in alphabetical order and explained ; a dictionary or lexicon either of whole language, a single work or author, a branch of science or wordbook. Besides, Hindmarsh R (1980) stated that vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write.


Simple present tense is used to explain daily activity, adverb usually this used: today, this morning, every nigth, every Sunday and etc. The simple present tense use verb 1 (kata kerja). Simple present have 2 form it is:
1.      Verbal sentence (kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja)
It is formula:
(+) S + V1(s/es) + O + C
(- ) S + don’t/ doesn’t +V1 + O + C
(? ) Don’t/ doesn’t + S + V1 + O + C


A. Gerund
Gerund adalah salah satu bentuk verb yang berakhiran –ing, yang biasa disebut juga dengan verb-ing. Setelah mendapatkan akhiran –ing inilah, gerund berfungsi sebagai sebuah kata benda dan bukan lagi berfungsi sebagai kata kerja.
            Bentuk dari Gerund : Verb I + ing